Report on October 2021 Barratt Development Plc AGM

Companies use Annual General Meetings (AGMs) to show shareholders how well the Directors are running the company. With the right planning, and access to company shares, they are a good opportunity for campaigners to raise issues with key decision-makers.

Thanks to our friends at ShareAction who lent him a share, Dave Richards from the London Cladding Action Group attended developer Barratt’s AGM on 13 October. The meeting was held on a hybrid physical/virtual basis with a small number of other shareholders in attendance, able to speak directly to the Barratt Board of Directors.

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Summary of McPartland-Smith amendments to the Building Safety Bill

This is a guide to the McPartland-Smith amendments to the Building Safety Bill, as at 12 November 2021. We recommend that you read it together with the amendments. Many thanks to Liam Spender for providing this helpful summary.

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